Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Years Resolutions...

I don't have a New Years Resolution this year, instead I am giving myself a challenge. I'm calling it my 1K Challenge. 

Rules of the game:
100 sport climbing pitches
100 trad climbing pitches
100 boulder problems
100 ice climbing pitches
100 road bike rides
100,000 feet of elevation gain on my mountainbike
100,000 feet of elevation gain while mountaineering
300,000 feet of ski descent

-Sport and trad have to be led and no pitch repeated.
-Boulder problems cannot be repeated
-Ice climbs can be repeated and toproped
-Road rides are 20+miles. I’m going to count riding to work and back as a ride (30mi RT)
-Ski descent can be lift served or backcountry
-one trip can count for several categories...for example skin in, do a couple pitch ice climb and then ski the summit back to the car. This would count for mountaineering elevation, the pitches of ice, and ski descent.  Backcountry skiing counts for mountaineering and ski elevation.

The major challenges with this are going to be the ice pitches and the climbing.  I will only have at most 6 months to get all of the ice pitches in and condition of ice plays a factor. You can hike 2 hours into an ice fall and find a failed.  Another issue is Colorado weather has a tendency to shut you down, rain/snow is not conducive to climbing, warmth ruins ice and skiing, and avalanche danger dictates backcountry skiing and winter mountaineering options.  A degree of willingness to recreate in uncomfortable yet safe conditions will be required. This will be a shift from the usual, which is....  "hey it looks [cold/hot/wet/cloudy/windy/shady/sun exposed/crowded/deserted/bold/uninteresting/other minor complaint] maybe we should go into town and [get lunch/grab a beer/ go to the gear shop/shop/other less interesting but more comfortable activity]....partner agrees.

Wish me luck.  I will update my progress as I go.

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