Wednesday, June 15, 2011


On Thursday (6/8) I did a little scouting trip up Mount Spalding  just north of Mount Evans to look at some of it couliors and see what the conditions for ski descents would be.  There is still a lot of snow up there although its melting fast.  There are still lots cornices waiting break off.  Her are some pictures.

The South Face of Evans

Looking down Chicago Creek

This is the top of Chi-Town Coulior, a classic coulior according to Roach, which tops out around 13.200

The cornice sitting atop Sunrise Coulior

This is from the top of Windy City at about 13,500 on the spalding ridge, a good 1500+ ft of skiing waits below.

Chi-town can barely be seen as the second snow band down from the snowfield at top right.  It is a pretty narrow coulior.

Windy City goes between the ribs at top left down the snow field.

I believe this coulior is called Goodfinger, another classic.  Note the HUGE cornice lurking at the top which will be crashing down the coulior soon.

The ridge hiked to the summit, a short 2.3mi jaunt.

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